Undo an EViD Check-in on Election Day
Once an EViD check-in transaction from your election day EViD has been processed into the system, the voter's status on the Voting History Maintenance dialog will show Voted at Polls or Voted at Polls by Provisional Ballot. If necessary, you can reverse the check-in, and thus return their voting status to Eligible but did not Vote. This can only be done on election day when the election status is Return Processing Only.
Performing an undo operation in the voter record does not decrement the EViD station totals.
To undo of an EViD check-in on Election Day, you must have the permission VoterMaintenanceUndoElectionDay.
Ensure that the status of the election is Return Processing Only.
Go to VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance and retrieve the voter's record.
On the Elections tab, highlight the election and click History Details.
On the Voting History Maintenance dialog, click Undo Election Day Check-in. The voter's voting status will be reversed to Eligible but did not Vote.